Dawno mnie tu nie było i od wieków już nic nie publikowałem. Wynikało to z wielu faktów, ale mam nadzieje teraz powrócić aktywnie do robienia zdjęć i znowu zacząć publikować swoje wypociny.
W ramach powrotu do formy wziąłem ostatnio udział w imprezie "Nocny Maraton Fotograficzny - Love Hippies" organizowany przez Studio Huśtawka.
Wyniki treningów możecie oglądać poniżej :)
It's been a while since I was here last time. I hadn't published here anything for almost a year. This was due to a number of facts, but now I hope to return to making and publishing photos on more regular basis.
As a part of coming back to photography I recently participated in the event "Nocny Maraton Fotograficzny - Love Hippies" organized by Studio Huśtawka.
Results of this event you can see below :)
It's been a while since I was here last time. I hadn't published here anything for almost a year. This was due to a number of facts, but now I hope to return to making and publishing photos on more regular basis.
As a part of coming back to photography I recently participated in the event "Nocny Maraton Fotograficzny - Love Hippies" organized by Studio Huśtawka.
Results of this event you can see below :)
Model: Jolanta Wojtkowska
MUA: Agata Białecka
MUA: Agata Białecka
Model: Gosia Blus
MUA: Agata Białecka
MUA: Agata Białecka
Model:Agnieszka Juszczak